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Breast Cancer Awareness Race


  "  Life's most persistent and urgent question is:

     What are you doing for others ?  "

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


The mission of 13thirty Cancer Connect is to help adolescents and young adults (AYAs) with cancer live their very best lives TODAY!


At 13thirty Cancer Connect, AYAs build a new peer community of others who understand, in a way no one else can. From the minute AYAs walk through our door, they feel “at home” because everyone “gets it.”


Derek was immediately captivated and moved by this organization, and has grown so close everyone there. For years he was hosting cooking classes there. He has also attended other events, been a donor, and is in charge of hosting their charity golf event.

To say this is close to his heart is a gross understatement, this is his heart. 

  "  We make a living by what we get,

but we make a life by what we give.  "

Winston Churchill


The Open Door Mission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit Christian Rescue Mission founded to provide for the spiritual and physical needs of the impoverished and homeless men, women and children of Rochester, NY by restoring hope and changing lives.


For years, Derek has been active in physically cooking meals for those in need. Recently Derek has made it a mission to donate 1,000's of meals at Thanksgiving Time through his own contributions, as well as his clients selflessly chipping in.

  "  I began learning long ago that those who are happiest

are those who do the most for others.  "

Booker T. Washington


Home Start Hope supports women and children in their transitions from homelessness to independent living. They provide access to brand new, essential household items free of charge in a personal shopping experience that restores hope and self-confidence and builds a community where more women can thrive.


Derek's wife, Krista, is an active board member, regularly donating her time. Shortly after, Derek felt connected to the organization and is proud to be a donor.

  "  If you're not making someone else's life better, then you're wasting your time. Your life will become better by making other people's lives better.  "

Will Smith


We have a heart for those who need it most; more often than not we recognize this as those in dire straights. But we also find it important to give support to those before hitting dire straights, giving them a chance to have a better life and positively impact others.


We are regularly hosting events that have a purpose to support those locally, from our own clients, to our city school teachers, local businesses, Food drives, Habitat for Humanity, food and clothing drives, sponsoring 5k's and local school sports programs, and more. Serving others isn't just a part of the job, it's part of our heart. 

Community Service
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|   RE/MAX Realty Group, Ltd.   |   10 Grove Street. Pittsford, NY, 14534.   |   P: 585·248·0250   |   F: 585·248·0449  |

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